Underwater – Coastal

Underwater photogrammetric documentation has been one of the main fields of interest for UFR Team for over than a decade, since when underwater photographic means and photogrammetric software were not so advanced, cost-effective and user-friendly as today and the use of photogrammetry, under the sea level, was considered as a science fiction scenario for most applications.

Implementing photogrammetric techniques underwater brings significant advantages to a wide range of projects:

  • Creation of photogrammetric products (photomosaics, orthophotomaps, 3D image-textured models, Digital Surface Models, Digital Seabed Models, 2D drawings etc) of high geometric accuracy and texture resolution, derived from big datasets within a prompt timeframe
  • Minimization of the already limited diving time
  • 3D documentation of objects in environments of limited accessibility (ports, open sea, big depths)
  • Non-destructive (especially needed for underwater cultural heritage projects) and cost-effective documentation technique

Pioneer in implementing underwater photogrammetric methods and other innovative techniques, fully equipped with state-of-the-art equipment for underwater documentation (photographic, surveying and photogrammetric means) and staffed by experienced scientific specialists (surveyors, photogrammetrists, photographers, commercial divers), UFR undertakes challenging projects as:

  • Underwater Cultural Heritage
    • Documentation of underwater archaeological sites (ancient and modern history wrecks, submerged settlements, ancient ports)
    • Underwater surveys for discovering places of archaeological interest with simultaneous data acquisition for photogrammetric documentation for post assessment of sites’ importance
    • Monitoring of excavation processes (mapping, photography, filming)
    • Creation of digital models of underwater monuments for use in museums, educational programs and promotion of cultural heritage films
    • Writing of scientific articles concerning photogrammetric documentation of underwater cultural heritage
  • Underwater Construction Industry
    • Photogrammetric documentation (3D textured models, photomosaics, orthophotomaps, 2D drawings) of underwater parts of port infrastructure (quay walls, jetties, wells etc), bridgeswind turbines,cablespipesanchorages
    • Monitoring of underwater construction projects processes with simultaneous photogrammetric documentation for changes tracking, risk management and project assessment
    • Writing of scientific articles focusing on photogrammetric applications in environments of limited accessibility
  • Marine Biology
    • Photogrammetric documentation of areas of environmental interest (2D and 3D mapping of natural and artificial reefs)
    • Partnerships within marine biology research projects
  • Documentaries
    • Creation of 3D models and maps for historical and archaeological films
  • Diving Parks Surveys
    • Surveying, localization and mapping via photogrammetric methods of places of diving tourism interest (diving paths, caves, spots of rare geological phenomena, historical areas)